齒輪減速機 HL-MHL-MHLC 總述機身外型由電腦輔助設計完成,最現代化的檢測技術計算的。產品的結構適用于廣泛電機裝配。使用和安裝具有多功能性和適用性。產品有如此高的質量是由于采用了專門針對使所有性能參數都保持一致性的技術,以及產品的制作,加工和成品的嚴密質量檢驗。齒輪所有的齒輪都是采用硬化鋼(Mn2,Cr5或具有相同強度或硬度的材料)制造,過程為表面硬化, 淬火,重壓,以保證產品能在高強度負載下正常運作及保證它的抗磨損性。輪齒的精確修整與輪齒間的吻合度,確保產品能達到最大性能。 減速比減速比有二級減速和三級減速,前者速比為2:1—50:1,后者速比為2:1—50:1—460:1。 運行特征它具有高效性,而且適合高速輸入運行,也適合急加速和瞬間制動,此外,它的反沖也得到減小,這都源于結構的緊密性,軸與軸座之間的高度吻合性,以及齒輪的精確制造和裝配。產品的原材料和熱處理都是最好的,這才能保證減速機的最佳運行和使用壽命。除了20號的機箱是用壓鑄鋁制造的,其它的都是用高強度灰鑄鐵(按照UNI5007標準的G25)制造。輸出軸是用Cr4,Mo4淬火鋼或是其它具有相同特質的材料制造。 外負載,效率,運行狀態該產品在任何運行狀態下都為無聲,無震動。不管是徑向的后軸向減速機都能承受高強度的外負載。動態效率非常高,二級減速達97%,三級減速達95.5%。在惡劣條件下,同樣能正常運行,
減速機的壽命也很理想。 性能參數輸入功率 0.09KW—200KW輸出扭矩 21 Nm—12000Nm 減速比 4.32:1—464.96:1
SITI S.p.A., founded in 1967, is presently consolidated with its two plants in Monteveglio (BO) in an area of more than 17,000 sqmtrs wherein the whole production process takes place. The manufacturing process benefits by a series of machining centers and robotized isles in which the automation reaches a level of excellence. The production process is supported by an impressive number of the latest generation machine tools of very high flexibility and reliability: these two elements and the fact that the entire manufacturing processes are carried out internally enables the company to operate with an effective and constant level of quality control. SITI’s main investment is not only concentrated on machinery but also focused towards people: with growing frequency young students receive trainings during and at the end of their school careers. The open-mindedness of SITI allows these students to gain early experience of a working environment within the company and afterwards gives them further opportunities.